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From Screen to Seam: Sewing the Mother of the Bride Jacket Inspired by TV Magic - Custom-made Clothing

LaNae Designz

A Small gathering of people standing and taking together
Season 5 Episode 39 Amazon Prime The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Have you ever seen an outfit or a jacket on TV that spoke to you and sparked something in you? Something about the outfit was the piece that you have been looking for to match your shoes, wardrobe or even a dress you already own. Well, something similar happened to a client of mine recently.  While watching tv she spotted a stunning green silk knee length jacket with navy blue trim worn over a navy-blue knee length dress worn by Rose Weissman on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Season 5. It was love at first sight, is what I’m going with. It also wasn’t available anywhere! So, what's a determined sewist to do? My client knows how to sew and is an avid seamstress but for this project she wanted to have this jacket made. This is where I enter the picture, as she reached out to me through my custom-made clothing listing link on my Etsy shop.

From Inspiration to Imagination:

I received my client’s message and a few pictures she snapped while watching the show. From the information she provided, I researched the show, the episode and the jacket. I also watched the episode with the jacket and a few other episodes. I’d never seen the show, but I’d heard good reviews from some online sources, so I checked it out.  I wanted to see how and why she arrived at this jacket. From the pictures I’d received I informed my client I could make the jacket. Over the next several days and weeks, we looked at numerous fabrics from all over the country. Many of them did not fit what she was going for exactly.

Green and blue fabric samples
Fabric sample collage next to Rose Weissman

Photo from: A collage by LaNae Designz and screenshot from

We did find one paisley fabric that a company could make in the fabric she desired, silk. It was a beautiful green and blue paisley print; she ordered a sample and when it arrived, she let me know, it was perfect.

Sample of silk fabric
Sample of silk fabric

From there we went ahead and ordered the amount needed to make her jacket. Once it arrived at my location, I ordered a navy-blue satin from an online fabric store. While I was waiting for the fabric to arrive, I analyzed every detail: the silhouette, seams, and the pattern I was going to use to make this jacket. The pattern came from a vintage jacket that I altered to make look like the jacket from the show.  I also began making a sample from an ultra-lightweight cotton that was semi sheer. I used cotton because it was cheaper than using actual silk. Also, by doing this it gave me a chance to test all the things I had just analyzed several days before. The good news is the sample fit well so I began cutting out the actual silk fabric. I don't know if you've ever worked with silk before, but it can be slippery, so I was extra careful when I cut everything out. The satin came in just as I've finished cutting the silk and so I cut out the satin trim and set it to the side.

Over the next several days because this was for a wedding and such beautiful fabric, I was slightly nervous not in a bad way, but I just wanted to make sure everything was perfect.  I made sure my French seams were all on point and pressed to perfection.  I couldn't use the regular sewn and serged seams, the fabric was just too nice, so I had to make sure my French seams were on point, which meant taking my time.

green and blue paisley jacket in the making
Jacket in the making

Sewing Magic Unfolds:

With the plan in place and sewing underway each step was bringing a vision closer to reality. That’s one of the things I love about the sewing process.  It’s a journey of discovery for me. All the things that run through my head about the outfit, the fabric, it's all just a beautiful journey and I'm glad that with each step you get closer to the destination. Don't get me wrong, everything is not always easy peas-y, even with the simplest of projects this one had moments of frustration, like figuring out the exact curvature of the neckline. The satisfaction of overcoming each challenge was immense. Remember, I had a pattern as a template of how I wanted it to go but it was not the exact size or shape, it was not the exact jacket that I was making so basically there were moments when I free handed some of the pieces for this jacket.

sewing pattern picture

The Grand Reveal:

And then, the glorious moment arrived: the jacket was complete! Slipping it on the mannequin felt like stepping into the show itself. The fit was perfect, the fabric flowed beautifully, and the details captured the essence of the original design. It wasn't just a jacket; it was a testament to creativity and sewing skills. I couldn’t wait to show my client. But then out of nowhere, I got nervous again and wondered how she would like the jacket. Why was I panicking! I do not know but I sucked it up, took a few more pictures and sent them to my client. As I write this, I have a clue as to why I’ll fill you in soon, I just have to find the pictures so you can fully understand.

More Than Just a Jacket:

A couple walking down the isle

This custom-made jacket project was more than just making a garment; to me it was a celebration of self-expression for my client, it was a love story for her daughter and there’s the power of creativity I brought in. It also reminds me that with passion, dedication, and a little know-how, anything is possible. Here are some of the pictures my client sent after receiving her jacket. She loved it! And it just filled my heart with so much joy. I guess I should tell you, I love love. I could sit and watch Hallmark Christmas movies for hours on end if I had enough time in a day. But for now, I think of all that goes into someone requesting a garment or getting married and it just makes me smile, that this whole thing started because a couple fell in love.

Weeding photo  bride, groom and mother and father of the bride

So, if you've ever seen a garment that sets your heart ablaze, don't be afraid to take the leap and ask if it can be created to your vision.

Have you ever had a custom-made outfit inspired by tv? What about an outfit you pieced together inspired by tv? Have you ever wanted a custom-made jacket, outfit or dress inspired by something you saw? What's your favorite piece of custom-made clothing? Share your story in the comments below!  I read them and I respond. Let's inspire each other to never give up on our dreams because they really can and do come true.  Thanks for reading, I’ll talk to you soon.

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